
Welcome to Badgers Class! 
Badgers class is one of two Year 5 classes, where our children are in the final two years of Primary education - UKS2 - before their next learning step and their transition to Year 7 and secondary school.  At this upper end of Key Stage 2, the ethos is very much on developing the sense of independence and responsibility: we have high expectations of our children, particularly as role models for the rest of the school, but we also have high amounts of fun along the way!
On this page you will find more information about our learning experiences and useful links. Please visit our class page frequently throughout each term as it will be updated so you are able to access information to support your child as well as seeing all the wonderful learning activities happening in class. This will be in addition to viewing their Seesaw account. We will also add any forthcoming events which your child may be involved in that will provide you with prior notice.
  • Miss Milly Davies

    Class Teacher, Deputy SENDCo, LAC Lead and Science Subject Leader

  • Ms Vicky Robinson

    Teaching Assistant

Termly Topic:  PE: Important Dates: 
Autumn term
 Please come into school wearing suitable PE kit according to our school prospectus on these days.
Tuesday - Dodgeball
Thursday - Communication and Tactics with Miss Morris

2nd September - PD Day
11th September - Church Service
7th - 11th October - Space Week 
9th October - Trip to Telford Gurdwara 
Harvest Service at Christchurch
18th October - PD Day (Children not in School)
Below you can download supporting documents which will help with home-learning:
The links below include another way we share our learning with the world via our class blog.  We also use core interactive and exciting programmes to support our learning, which can be logged into at home using the children's provided usernames and passwords.