About Ladybirds Nursery

At Oakmeadow, we are passionately committed to providing every child with the best possible start in life and the support that will enable them to fulfil their potential.

We know that what happens early, matters for a lifetime. High levels of engagement are the key to ensuring progress and attainment, and children with high levels of wellbeing will be engaged.

Children that are fascinated and curious about what is going on around them will make successful learners. We work hard to respond to the unique children in front of us and to weave that engagement and interest into our teaching.

A revised Early Years Framework was introduced in September 2021, and at the root of it is the belief that every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. This is something that we at Oakmeadow are passionately committed to providing.

The EYFS applies to children from birth to 5 years of age.

The EYFS framework:

  •        sets the standards that all early years providers in England must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well
  •        ensures children are kept healthy and safe
  •        ensures that children have the knowledge and skills they need to start school

Children are split into 3 age bands –

  •      birth to 3 - (we take children from 2 years of age at Oakmeadow)
  •      3 to 4
  •      4 to 5 (the reception year in school)

In each band there are suggestions about what your child may be doing and how we can support them. It is important to remember that children develop and learn at different rates and in different ways. Their development is not neat and orderly!

 There are seven areas of learning and development in the EYFS.

The three prime areas work together and are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

1. Communication and Language

2. Personal, Social and Emotional Development

3. Physical Development

The three prime areas are strengthened and applied through the four specific areas of essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society.

1. Literacy

2. Mathematics

3. Understanding the World

4. Expressive Arts and Design

The Three Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning

We can help children become even more powerful learners through three Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning:

 • Playing and exploring - I investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’.

 • Active learning – I concentrate and keep on trying even when I encounter difficulties. I enjoy achieving.

 • Creating and thinking critically – I am learning to develop my own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

At Oakmeadow we consider our team to be part of your team, and as you get to know us hope that you do too! We know that working as a team with our homes enhances the children’s learning and to support you in doing this offer lots of opportunities for you to join us in understanding how we teach and support your children. This is through workshops focused on early reading and writing and another on our Maths Mastery approach for the children in Reception, Open Door sessions on a fortnightly basis for you to come in and read with your child and story sessions in Nursery where we invite you to come and join us and share your favourite stories with the children. These will give you the opportunity to understand the reasoning behind the approaches we adopt, the learning steps and progression as well as practical tips and resources.

We recognise that play has lots of important aspects to it. Quality play is a vehicle for learning. The play-based provision we offer is there for children to revisit, rehearse, consolidate, and learn alongside the crucial role quality adult input has in providing new knowledge and new facts. This is complimented by the environment we create and adapt, both indoors and out, to give them a range experiences and skills.

For more information please email:

admin@oak.mmat.co.uk or alternatively, call 01743 875020.