Church links

Church Links - Christchurch Bayston Hill

Oakmeadow is a Church of England school and the strong relationship that we enjoy between school and church is vitally important.  The vicar, church staff and volunteers take an active role in the life of the school – supporting worship, prayer, pastoral care for children staff and parents, and the curriculum.  There are 2 foundation governors (vicar and additional church members) who serve on the governing body.

Each week the church staff team from Christchurch, Bayston Hill, lead an assembly in school. Once a month church hosts a school act of worship put together collaboratively by children, school staff and church staff.  During the year school and church mark and celebrate Christian festivals together with the wider community, parents and carers.  At times school children, parents and staff also support church projects in the community.

The relationship between school and church draws from the deep roots of the Christian faith. Church schools are founded on the Christian tradition and are committed to providing an education system that seeks to build character and enable students to develop as whole, rounded, spiritual human beings. The ethos provides a framework for the kind of character we want our children to develop so that our schools can draw out the full potential of each child. A vital part of that ethos comes through understanding the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, who is at the heart of our faith and who also provides an example to aspire to.

It is our aim that the Christian values which underpin the life of our school are experienced through worship, prayer and teaching and will be reflected in every aspect of our school’s life.

Meet the church team who work with our children:

  • Rev Peter Hubbard

    I’ve been the Vicar of Christ Church here in Bayston Hill since November 2016, and I’m a Foundation Governor at Oakmeadow School. I’m married to Debbie, and I have two daughters, one aged 21 and the other is 17. In my spare time I like to go walking or cycling in the beautiful Shropshire countryside! I'm very proud to be a part of the alliance between our church and school and we appreciate every moment we have working with the staff and pupils! For more information about Christchurch and our work please see our website: