Design & Technology

Design & Technology - The Oakmeadow Way


At Oakmeadow Primary School, our intent for Design and Technology is to provide a stimulating and enriching learning experience that equips our learners with the necessary knowledge, skills, and creativity to become confident designers and problem solvers. We aim to foster a deep understanding of the design process, promote innovation and sustainable practices, and encourage collaborative working.

Through our curriculum, we intend to:

  1. Foster creativity: Encourage learners to generate and develop original ideas through imaginative design processes.
  2. Develop technical knowledge and skills: Equip learners with a wide range of tools, techniques, and materials, enabling them to apply their understanding of scientific and mathematical concepts to real-world challenges.
  3. Promote critical thinking and problem-solving: Nurture learners' ability to identify and solve authentic design problems by fostering resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness.
  4. Encourage collaboration and communication: Provide opportunities for learners to work effectively in teams, communicate their ideas clearly, and evaluate and refine their designs through constructive feedback.
  5. Instill values of sustainability and social responsibility: Create awareness about the ethical, environmental, and social impact of design and technology, inspiring learners to develop innovative solutions that contribute to a sustainable future.

To meet our intent, we have implemented a comprehensive Design and Technology curriculum that reflects best practices and ensures outstanding provision for our learners. Key elements of our implementation strategy include:

Curriculum Design and Sequencing

  • A progressive curriculum that builds upon prior knowledge and skills, ensuring a logical and coherent learning journey for all learners.
  • Opportunities for cross-curricular links, particularly with Science, Mathematics, and Art.
  • Clear learning objectives and success criteria that are shared with learners, enabling them to self-assess and take ownership of their progress.

High-Quality Teaching and Learning

  • Expertise in Design and Technology among our teaching staff, where teachers are offered regular CPD to improve the quality of teaching. 
  • Engaging and well-planned lessons that provide a balance between teacher-led instruction and learner-led activities.
  • Effective use of resources, including tools, materials, and latest technologies, to enhance learning experiences and allow for authentic design opportunities.
  • Adaptive Teaching to cater to the diverse needs of learners, enabling them to access and excel in Design and Technology.

Enrichment and Experiences

  • Opportunities for visits to local industries, museums, and workshops, providing authentic and real-world contexts for learners to explore.
  • Links with local businesses and industry experts, who contribute to our Design and Technology curriculum, particularly through STEM, sharing their knowledge and experiences.
  • Extra-curricular clubs, competitions, and events that allow learners to showcase their skills, fostering a sense of pride and achievement.

Assessment and Feedback

  • Regular formative and summative assessment opportunities that inform teachers of learners' progress and allow for targeted interventions where required.
  • Detailed verbal feedback that highlights strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps, enabling learners to refine and develop their designs effectively.
  • Opportunities for self-assessment and peer assessment, promoting metacognitive skills and collaborative learning.

The impact of our outstanding provision in Design and Technology is evidenced by the following outcomes:

  • All learners make good progress and achieve good standards of knowledge, skills, and understanding.
  • Learners demonstrate creativity, innovation, and originality in their design work, raising the quality of outcomes.
  • High levels of engagement, motivation, and enjoyment are evident among learners during Design and Technology lessons.
  • Learners develop a deep understanding of the design process and apply scientific and mathematical concepts proficiently and confidently in practical contexts.
  • Collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills are embedded and readily transferable to other subjects and real-life situations.
  • Learners show an understanding of sustainable practices and consider the social responsibility aspect of their designs, fostering ethical awareness.
  • The Enrichment and Experiences offered through trips, industry links, and competitions extend learners' horizons and inspire them to pursue further studies, potentially leading to future career choices.
  • Miss Milly Davies

    D&T Lead

  • Miss Emma Stevenson

    D&T Support