Writing pathway

Writing Intent

Our goal is for all pupils at Oakmeadow to write with purpose, with confidence, with fluency and understanding. We want them to use a range of independent strategies to proofread and edit their work. We aim for them to see the joy in writing and to believe in its importance as a skill and the power it can hold to inform, persuade, and entertain. We want all children to be able to write for a range of purposes and audiences. They will be able to produce good-quality written work within English lessons and across the wider curriculum to enable them to become writers beyond school.


Writing Implementation

We believe daily English lessons promote the opportunity to build on taught skills in a structured and progressive way. Across the school, we ensure that there is time to practise key skills on a regular basis. We use high quality resources such as ‘Bug Club’ for the teaching of phonics, ‘Letter-Join’ for the teaching of handwriting, ‘Vocab Ninja’ for developing vocabulary and ‘No nonsense’ for spelling. Our writing pathway ensures that children are exposed to a variety of text types over their time at Oakmeadow. We follow a ‘writing journey’ approach for all genres taught ensuring that the children understand the key skills needed to write for a range of audiences and purposes. We use a range of high-quality from a range of authors to engage and excite the children and to prepare them for their writing journey. Alongside, these core texts, the children are exposed to a variety of other stimulus including video clips and films. In addition to the writing pathway within English lessons, stand-alone writing opportunities are provided for the children, which link to the wider curriculum, worldwide events and local news – enabling the children to embed their skills across a range of contexts, when relevant.