Bayston Hill After-school and Holiday Club

Quotes from Parents

“All my children have settled quickly, it’s great that they are all together even though they are different ages. This has helped my youngest settle quickly.”

My children are “always keen to go, never keen to leave!!”

“Really appreciate the flexibility of the service. Lovely environment with a lovely team.”

“Safe and secure environment which the children enjoy immensely. Caring & knowledgeable staff.”

“Love the stories that he comes home with.”

“The club is a perfect mix of fun, enjoyment and care.”

“The club helps to instil great values in children.”

Latest Inspection date 27/4/22

For the full report visit


  •       Highlights of our latest inspection: Bayston Hill After School Club meets requirements. 
  •       Staff provide excellent support to each unique child playing an active role in the lives of families.
  •       Staff value the customs and traditions of individual children and their families. They work closely with  Oakmeadow to fulfil children's needs. 
  •       Staff give a high priority to children's emotional well-being and have quality interactions.
  • Children thoroughly enjoy the varied range of activities on offer. They are curious, show high levels of engagement and have vivid imaginations.
  •      Staff clearly understand their roles and responsibilities, and they foster children's play well. 
  •       Children's behaviour is good. Children have good relationships with each other.
  •       The environment, activities and routines to help to give children opportunities to build on their experiences from school. There is a daily opportunity for children to play outside. 
  •       Children have access to computer programs and staff give them time to complete homework. 
  •       The promotion of keeping children safe online is a key strength in this club. Children can describe how to protect themselves from potential risks to them online, such as grooming. Posters displayed in the environment and staff reinforce further messages about how to keep safe. 
  •       The manager has developed practice since the last inspection. She has considered the views of children, evaluation of the club. 
  •       An experienced provider leads the club, providing excellent support to her staff and their professional development. Less-experienced staff describe positively how the provider has coached them to become more confident.
  •       Staff provide activities to help children to understand about the importance of equality and diversity, promoting an understanding that all children belong in the club.
  •       There are nutritional snacks provided for children. The daily routines enable children to go outside and participate in games or use equipment, such as skipping ropes that help them to take exercise. 
  •       Parents talk very highly of the information that staff provide to them about their children's experiences. 
  •       The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. The provider manages safeguarding effectively